понедељак, 24. јул 2017.

cika MICA

.. jutrić :) .. morning
Tri kratke priče
1. O Veri
Svi stanovnici jednog mesta su odlučili da se zajedno mole za kišu. Na zakazani dan svi ljudi su se okupili na centralnom trgu ... ali samo je jedan dečak poneo kišobran. To i jeste Vera.
2. O Poverenju
Kada se igrate sa svojim detetom, bacajući ga u vazduh, ono se veselo smeje jer zna da ćete ga uhvatiti. To i jeste Poverenje.
3. O Nadi
Svake noći idemo u krevet bez ikakve garancije da ćemo se sledećeg jutra probuditi, ali uprkos svemu, stalno navijamo budilnik. To i jeste nada.
Three short stories
1. About Faith
All residents of one place they decided to come together to pray for rain. On the appointed day all the people gathered in the central square ... but only one boy brought an umbrella. That is Vera.
2. About confidence
When you play with your child, throwing it into the air, it is cheerfully laughs because he knows you will catch him. That is trust.
3. About Hope
Every night we go to bed without any guarantee that we will wake up the next morning, but despite everything, constantly rooting Alarm Clock. That is the hope.

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cika Miċa

Ovde a ne znam gde sam. ... da li je ovo vredno necega ili nekoga. ... kazu mene je vredno. ... hahaha pa valjda sam ja vredan nekome osim s...